PT Russell is a Bahamian artist based in Ontario, Canada.

She uses her expressionistic style to externalise memories, imaginings and colourful anecdotes from within.

Photo Credit PT Russell
Photo Credit PT Russell
Photo Credit PT Russell

In addition to more intuitive paintings, PT is also creating an original series of artworks influenced by her native Bahamas.

The growing collection is entitled,”Down Home” and features abstract scenes inspired by Bahamian life and culture.

April 2023 marked the very first time “Down Home” was hosted as a solo exhibition.

PT also showcased several new works from the series to the public.

She truly appreciated the opportunity and support of the community.

Down Home” (Mixed media Art by PT Russell) SOLD


Storytelling  is an art form that possesses the phenomenal ability to articulate its voice through varied mediums.

It is a gift on divine assignment to the individual who stewards it well.

I use my art to externalise imagery and anecdotes from within.

Creating a story through words or pictures is a privilege that supersedes the artist and ultimately reflects ‘the Creator.’

Most art is subjective and open to interpretation from its observers.

Art by PT Russell can be viewed at a Gift of Art Gallery 187 King Street East,

Newcastle, ON, and at Portraits by Goguen Art Gallery, Centre Street ,Oshawa, ON.

Journaling With PT

PT is the host of the Journaling With PT Podcast where she highlights emerging artists and creative voices from around the world.

You can find the podcast on Spotify, Apple and everywhere you listen to Podcasts including YOUTUBE .



She writes Fiction and Non-Fiction including: Short Stories, Microfiction, poetry and Screenplays

PT was awarded an Honorable Mention from L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future contest for her first short story, “Orev.”

She has been published in Montreal Writes Literary Magazine, Fresh.Ink Magazine , The ORONO Weekly Times , Lolwe Magazine, The Penmen Review, and Wunderlit art magazine.

In the Works:

A children’s picture book series.

Where there is art, there is beauty. Where there is beauty, there is art.

PT Russell

Follow: PT on Twitter @ptwrites and Instagram @journalingwithpt

TikTok @artbyptrussell

EMAIL for inquiries

©PT Russell 2025 All Rights Reserved

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